My II 117 Russ (My II)

My II 117 Russ (My II)

pony, Gotland-Pony, Mare, 1974


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Base data

name (DE) My II 117 Russ sportname (DE) My II
UELN 2460010000P3108 National-ID FIN0010000P3108
gender Mare breed Gotland Pony
type pony born 04/15/1974
shoulder height 122 cm colour light brown
discipline add mainly used for add
riding club, association add Awards add
Father Zorken RR 204 Mother Polly
father of mother Rask Place of birth Sweden, Gunnar Nilsson, Höör
whereabouts Finland, Martti Lappi, Pieksämäki field test add
station test add profile views 67


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