Fromecs Canturino
Fromecs Canturino
horse, Holsteiner, Gelding, 2003
- horse
- Holsteiner
- Gelding
- 2003
Show all 1 videosTournament results
Ove Asmussen | Breitenburg - Club der Springreiter 2008 | |
Ove Asmussen | Breitenburg - Club der Springreiter 2008 | |
Ove Asmussen | Elmshorn Landeschampionat 2008 |
Base data
name (DE) | Fromecs Canturino | sportname (DE) | Fromecs Canturino |
UELN | 276421000294103 | National-ID | DE 421000294103 |
gender | Gelding | breed | Holsteiner |
type | horse | born | 01/01/2003 |
shoulder height | 172 cm | colour | black |
discipline | Springen | mainly used for | stud horse, sportshorse |
riding club, association | Pferdestammbuch Schleswig-Holstein/Hamburg e.V. | Awards | add |
Father | Canturo | Mother | Fagata |
father of mother | Langata Express xx | Breeder | Meyer, Udo |
Place of birth | Germany, Add city | whereabouts | Germany, Add city |
profile views | 1032 |