Casiro I (Casiro 3)

Casiro I (Casiro 3)

horse, Holsteiner, Stallion (approved), 2002

rimondo Insights

Casiro I, the impressive Holsteiner stallion born in 2002, has made an outstanding name for himself both in sport and breeding. With over 570 offspring, he is an influential sire who passes on his qualities in the show jumping discipline. Under Gerd Sosath, Casiro I achieved initial successes, while the greatest sporting achievements were recorded under Janne Sosath-Hahn with an S* victory.

His offspring impress with a multitude of accolades. The licensed stallion Casirus is a prime example of Casiro's breeding power and reached the finals of the Bundeschampionat. The champion stallion Celestino 25 also underscores the breeding significance of Casiro I. The state premium mares Lalou and Chesna are further evidence of his outstanding progeny.

Particularly frequent and successful pairings have been observed with the dam sires Landor S and Lordanos. Casiro I remains a sought-after sire, whose offspring attract attention both nationally and internationally.

Last updated: 25.02.2025, AI-generated text

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breeding tax from 1200 €


stallion Casiro II (Holsteiner, 2005, from Cassini I)

Casiro II

broodmare Tilly I (Holsteiner, 2003, from Cassini I)

Tilly I

stallion Quite Zero (Holsteiner, 2004, from Quite Capitol)

Quite Zero

jumper Caplander (Holsteiner, 2001, from Capo)


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jumper Centrino (Oldenburg, 2008, from Casiro I)


stallion Cantario (Holsteiner, 2007, from Casiro I)


stallion Casirus (Oldenburg, 2009, from Casiro I)


broodmare Lady Corlina (Oldenburg show jumper, 2014, from Casiro I)

Lady Corlina

Show all 576 children

Base data

name (DE) Casiro I sportname (DE) Casiro 3
breeding name (DE) Casiro I UELN 276421000047802
National-ID DE 421000047802 FEI-ID GER42315
gender Stallion breed Holsteiner
type horse born 01/01/2002
shoulder height 171 cm colour brown
discipline Springen mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse
riding club, association add Awards gekört
Father Cassini I Mother Generation
father of mother Landgraf I Breeder Christiane Kuhn
Place of birth Germany, Eggstedt whereabouts Germany, Lemwerder
profile views 25055
Holstein 1c-premium stallion who exhibits superior qualities with an ideal frame for sport, superb confirmation and high quality movements: uphill canter, spirited trot and relaxed walk. Casiro shows courage, outstanding technique and enormous scope at the fences. In 2005, he finished an excellent 30-days test in Adelheidsdorf (total score: 8.3; jumping: 8.66). In 2006, 2007 and 2008, he was victorious in several youngster classes and was reserved champion at the Holsteiner championships where he also qualified for the "Bundeschampionat". In the following years, Casiro entered into his successful sport career with high placements up to Grand Prix and particpated at World Championship for Young Jumpers in Lanaken/BEL. He was presented successfully in high classes by Gerd, Hendrik and Janne. Casiro competed and won a puissance class when he jumped 2.10 m. He also won the first six bar class (in Rastede) he entered. Pedigree Casiro's pedigree is certainly a sight to see: he was bred from the same dam line as the World Champion Cavalor Cumano, who descends from Holstein's line 318 D1, and Casiro has the foundation sires Cassini I, Landgraf and Ramiro in his pedigree. In addition, his dam Generation produced Casiro's licensed full brother, Casiro II, and the licensed stallion Quite Zero (by Quite Capitol, as well as other successful show jumpers like the successful 1.50 m jumper Caplander (by Capo)/Sören von Rönne and Classic Europe (by Carthago), and the 1.35 m jumper Championica (by Champion du Lys). His grand dam, Batallion B, produced the 1.50 m jumper Lavada (by Lavado) and Cord Classique (by Cor de la Bryère), as well as the 1.35 m jumpers LaRocca (by Lansing), Cara Colucci (by Caretello B) and Lester (by Lavall I), who was sold at a high price via the PSI auction. Batallion's daughter, Innovation (by I Love You) produced the 1.35 m jumper Lequito (by Leandro). The great-grand dam Variation competed successful in 1.35 m classes as well. The dam line 318 D1 is one of the most successful lines the in Holstein breeding. It is the line of World Champion Cavalor Cumano (by Cassini I/Jos Lansink/BEL) and the Derby winner Boy (Eddi Macken/IRL), who is full brother of the licensed stallion Ladalco (by Ladykiller xx). Furthermore, there are following licensed stallions out of the damline: Casino (by Capitol I), Centesimo I and II (both by Cento), Counter Star (by Counter), Fokus I and II (both by Fangball), Grand Liaison (by Großfürst), Labrador (by Ladykiller xx), Landaris (by Landgraf I), Libretto (by Liguster), Resolut (by Rhythmus) and Wildfang (by Wildfeuer).
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