Yvana RR 3455 (Yvana)

Yvana RR 3455 (Yvana)

pony, Gotland-Pony, Staatsprämienstute, 1992


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broodmare Xtana RR 3377 (Gotland Pony,  , from Major G RR 418)

Xtana RR 3377

stallion Fanér RR 553 (Gotland Pony, 2000, from Major G RR 418)

Fanér RR 553

broodmare Lamé KL 284 Russ (Gotland Pony, 2006, from Primat G)

Lamé KL 284 Russ

horse Xter 31 Russ (Gotland Pony, 1996, from Major G RR 418)

Xter 31 Russ

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stallion Epik RR 541 (Gotland Pony,  , from Dickie RR 402)

Epik RR 541

broodmare Celma II RR 3865 (Gotland Pony, 1997, from Rex G RR 463)

Celma II RR 3865

stallion Harpun RR 573 (Gotland Pony, 2002, from Toker RR 503)

Harpun RR 573

Show all 3 children


Base data

name (DE) Yvana RR 3455 sportname (DE) Yvana
gender Mare breed Gotland Pony
type pony born 01/01/1992
shoulder height 123 cm colour chestnut
discipline add mainly used for stud horse
riding club, association add Awards Staatsprämienstute
Father Major G RR 418 Mother Queen RR 2793
father of mother Heron RR 372 Place of birth Sweden, Add city
whereabouts Sweden, Kurt & Lisbeth Lasson, Björketorp field test add
station test add profile views 109

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