Aramara Audrey Grey 85 C

Aramara Audrey Grey 85 C

pony, unknown, Staatsprämienstute, 1985


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broodmare Josefine II 56 C (Connemara Pony, 1979, from Millfields Ensign 3 C)

Josefine II 56 C

stallion Billy Boy (Connemara Pony, 1993, from Millfields Ensign 3 C)

Billy Boy

horse Moon Aramis (Connemara Pony, 1986, from Millfields Ensign 3 C)

Moon Aramis

horse Monster (Connemara Pony, 1988, from Millfields Ensign 3 C)


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broodmare Tempelisa Lady Calista 194 C (Connemara Pony, 2000, from Ard Ri Cunga 11 IC)

Tempelisa Lady Calista 194 C

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Downhill Dewdrop 122 C

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Base data

name (DE) Aramara Audrey Grey 85 C UELN 2460010000P3859
National-ID FIN0010000P3859 gender Mare
breed Connemara Pony type pony
born 08/10/1985 Day of death 06/21/2009
shoulder height 143 cm colour bay roan
discipline add mainly used for stud horse
riding club, association add Awards Staatsprämienstute
Father Millfields Ensign 3 C Mother Holens Jutta Grey 35 C
father of mother Rosenaharley Mac Milo Place of birth Finland, Outin talli, Jämsä
whereabouts Finland, Tapani Numminen, Kalvola field test add
station test add profile views 126

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