Nilantshoeve's Zippo

Nilantshoeve's Zippo

pony, Welsh Pony (Sek.B), Stallion (approved), 2010

rimondo Insights

Nilantshoeve's Zippo, an outstanding Welsh Pony stallion of Section B, born in 2010, has established himself as an influential sire. With over 30 offspring, he demonstrates remarkable breeding power, particularly in the field of breeding. His progeny are distinguished by their quality and success, as evidenced by several licensed stallions. Notably, Vliedberg Farley 46 W Link and Ankumshof Kensington Link, both of which have been licensed.

Additionally, the champion stallion Zeus Link has received special recognition. In the breeding line of Nilantshoeve's Zippo, his award-winning mare offspring also stand out, including the state premium mares TopTwentyMay Link and Zoe AC Link.

A remarkable achievement is Zeralina Link, who was awarded as the Bundeschampion of the 5-year-old show jumping ponies. These successes underscore the outstanding breeding quality of Nilantshoeve's Zippo, who, in combination with Eyarth Harlequin as the dam's sire, represents a particularly successful pairing.

Last updated: 25.02.2025, AI-generated text

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Stallion owner of Nilantshoeve's Zippo

Gestüt Ekholt

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stallion Exclusive 8 (Welsh-Pony (Section B), 2010, from Cadlanvalley Goldstar)

Exclusive 8

horse Luna 2038 (Welsh-Pony (Section B), 2010, from Cadlanvalley Goldstar)

Luna 2038

stallion Eekelenburgs Corfu (Welsh-Pony (Section B), 2010, from Cadlanvalley Goldstar)

Eekelenburgs Corfu

stallion Rondos Gentleman (Welsh-Pony (Section B), 2011, from Cadlanvalley Goldstar)

Rondos Gentleman

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jumper Zeralina (German Riding Pony, 2019, from Nilantshoeve's Zippo)


dressage horse Zitarus B (German Riding Pony, 2016, from Nilantshoeve's Zippo)

Zitarus B

dressage horse Espentijn's Mister Dorian (Welsh-Pony (Section B), 2014, from Nilantshoeve's Zippo)

Espentijn's Mister Dorian

dressage horse Zoom Effect GS (German Riding Pony, 2017, from Nilantshoeve's Zippo)

Zoom Effect GS

Show all 32 children

Base data

name (DE) Nilantshoeve's Zippo sportname (DE) Nilantshoeve's Zippo
breeding name (DE) Nilantshoeve's Zippo UELN 528017201000811
National-ID NLD017201000811 gender Stallion
breed Welsh-Pony (Section B) type pony
born 01/01/2010 shoulder height 134 cm
colour palomino discipline add
mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse riding club, association add
Awards gekört Father Cadlanvalley Goldstar
Mother Steehorst Free Way father of mother Eyarth Harlequin
Place of birth add whereabouts Germany, Add city
profile views 10815

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