Kelly vd Bisschop

Kelly vd Bisschop

horse, Belgian Warmblood, Mare, 2010


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jumper Quando Optimus (Belgian Warmblood, 2016, from Cicero Z van Paemel)

Quando Optimus

jumper Qamar Optima (Belgian Warmblood, 2016, from Udarco van Overis)

Qamar Optima

jumper Hope Is High vd Bisschop (Belgian Warmblood, 2007, from Mr Blue)

Hope Is High vd Bisschop

broodmare Vubertha P (KWPN (Royal Dutch Sporthorse), 2002, from Germus R)

Vubertha P

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jumper Nector VD Bisschop (Belgian Warmblood, 2013, from Echo van het Spieveld)

Nector VD Bisschop

jumper Obertho vd Bisschop (Belgian Warmblood, 2014, from Castelino van de Helle)

Obertho vd Bisschop

Show all 2 children


Base data

name (International, DE) Kelly vd Bisschop sportname (International, DE) Kelly vd Bisschop
breeding name (DE) Kelly van den Bisschop UELN 056002W00296906
National-ID BEL002W00296906 FEI-ID 105KH25
gender Mare breed Belgian Warmblood
type horse born 06/02/2010
shoulder height add colour brown
discipline Springen mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse
riding club, association add Awards add
Father Darco Mother Obertha
father of mother Peter Pan Place of birth Belgium, Add city
whereabouts Belgium, Add city field test add
station test add profile views 444

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