Allthegoldnftknox xx

Allthegoldnftknox xx

horse, Thoroughbred, Stallion (approved), 2009

rimondo Insights

Allthegoldnftknox xx, an impressive Thoroughbred stallion from the 2009 cohort, has established himself as a valuable sire in breeding. Although he does not have any competition results to his name, his lineage from Red White N Gold xx and Madam Bucheron xx showcases his excellent genetics.

With over 10 offspring, Allthegoldnftknox xx has already made a remarkable impact on breeding. One of his approved sons, Snowy's Cristobal xx, stands out with a jumping RPI of 53. Particularly noteworthy is the successful pairing with damsires like Snowy River xx, which has produced promising progeny.

Allthegoldnftknox xx remains a sought-after sire, whose offspring impress with their athletic abilities and breeding quality.

Last updated: 25.02.2025, AI-generated text


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stallion Snowy's Cristobal xx (Thoroughbred, 2017, from Allthegoldnftknox xx)

Snowy's Cristobal xx

horse Heimatklang's Bergtirza (Trakehner, 2015, from Allthegoldnftknox xx)

Heimatklang's Bergtirza

horse Ulliulli's Abendpippa (Trakehner, 2015, from Allthegoldnftknox xx)

Ulliulli's Abendpippa

horse Rochelle's Berghexe (Trakehner, 2012, from Allthegoldnftknox xx)

Rochelle's Berghexe

Show all 11 children

Base data

name (DE) Allthegoldnftknox xx sportname (DE) Allthegoldnftknox xx
breeding name (DE) Allthegoldnftknox xx UELN 276406062161009
National-ID DE 406062161009 gender Stallion
breed Thoroughbred type horse
born 03/30/2009 shoulder height 167 cm
colour palomino discipline Dressur, Springen, Vielseitigkeit, Jagdreiten, Military
mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse riding club, association Zuchtverband für Sportpferde Arabischer Abstammung
Awards gekört Father Red White N Gold xx
Mother Madam Bucheron xx father of mother Seneca Jones xx
Place of birth United States, Add city whereabouts Germany, 39579 Grassau
profile views 2745
Large framed harmonious strength, in lush condition, with little dryness, but very well muscled and very very good placid interiors. Long withers, large well set on shoulders, good length of neck, with smooth top line, powerful well muscled round croup. Well controlled step with good length of stride, comes underneath himself. Good extension in front at the trot. Elastic and expansive trotting action with plenty of impulsion from the hind quarters, well worn. Large ground covering gallop stride. Large - scale canter with active hind leg. Gently willing free jump with good ability!
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