Miracle Yankee 1.20,0

Miracle Yankee 1.20,0

horse, American Trotter, Mare, 1997


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Base data

name (DE) Miracle Yankee 1.20,0 UELN 24600100L971831
National-ID FIN00100L971831 gender Mare
breed American Trotter type horse
born 06/21/1997 Day of death 03/18/2004
shoulder height add colour brown
discipline Trabrennen mainly used for sportshorse
riding club, association add Awards add
Father Yankee Stampede US-J-3671 Mother Agatha's Shadow
father of mother Christopher T 6810K (US) Place of birth Finland, Minna Hänninen, Juva
whereabouts Finland, Add city field test add
station test add profile views 60


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