horse, Polish Heavy Draft, Mare, 2013
- horse
- Polish Heavy Draft
- Mare
- 2013
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Base data
name (DE) | Fena | UELN | 616999510288513 |
National-ID | POL999510288513 | gender | Mare |
breed | Polish Heavy Draft | type | horse |
born | 07/28/2013 | shoulder height | 158 cm |
colour | Black and tan pinto | discipline | Dressur, Westernreiten, Voltigieren, Wanderreiten |
mainly used for | sportshorse, free time horse | riding club, association | Polish Horse Breeders Association (PZHK) |
Awards | add | Father | Fan |
Mother | Natasza | father of mother | add |
Breeder | Elke Gerhard | Place of birth | Poland, Add city |
whereabouts | Germany, Dettelbach | field test | add |
station test | add | profile views | 7210 |
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