Cassiopeia 50 C

Cassiopeia 50 C

pony, Connemara-Pony, Mare, 1981


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broodmare V.V. Kleopatra 151 C (Connemara Pony, 1988, from Brantshammar Julius 4 C)

V.V. Kleopatra 151 C

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V.V. Linette 118 C

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V.V. Jalo

horse V.V. Honey Girl (Connemara Pony, 1985, from Nice-N-Easy)

V.V. Honey Girl

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horse V.V. Icecream (Connemara Pony, 1986, from Brantshammar Julius 4 C)

V.V. Icecream

horse Catania Amanda (Connemara Pony, 1996, from Frederiksminde Hazy Marvel 8 C)

Catania Amanda

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V.V. Jaguaari

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Base data

name (DE) Cassiopeia 50 C UELN 2460010000P3282
National-ID FIN0010000P3282 gender Mare
breed Connemara Pony type pony
born 01/18/1981 shoulder height 147 cm
colour bay roan discipline add
mainly used for stud horse riding club, association add
Awards add Father Värnbergs Castor
Mother Cindy Lane 61 C father of mother Curragh Colm
Place of birth Sweden, Jannika Nergsgtröm, Nordmaling whereabouts Finland, Jukka Vesanto & Pekka Virranhaara
field test add station test add
profile views 108


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