

horse, Hanoverian, Stallion (approved), 2014

rimondo Insights

Karajan, an outstanding Hanoverian stallion from 2014, impresses both in sport and breeding. Under the rider Christian Temme, Karajan achieved initial successes in young horse jumping competitions from classes A** to M. However, his greatest successes were celebrated in the saddle of Marco Kutscher, with numerous placings up to the challenging FEI 160cm jumping competitions.

With over 300 offspring, Karajan has impressively demonstrated his breeding prowess. Notable offspring include the licensed stallion Kataro and the state premium mare Livie. Kamino Real and Karajano AH have also distinguished themselves as licensed stallions.

Karajan's influence in jumping is particularly striking, as evidenced by the qualification of several offspring for the Bundeschampionat, including Kataro and Kamino Real. Preferred pairings with dam sires like Diarado and Contendro I have produced especially many successful offspring.

Last updated: 25.02.2025, AI-generated text

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Stallion owner of Karajan

Klosterhof Medingen

Ihre Spermabestellung erbitten wir nur telefonisch, Mo.-Fr. bis 10.00 Uhr und Sa. bis 9.30 Uhr, für den Versand am gleichen Tag. Einige Hengste stehen sowohl im Frisch-, als auch im TG-Samenversand zur Verfügung. Der angegebene Preis ist der günstigere TG-Preis pro Portion.

Gestüt Fohlenhof

Sperm availability

  • fresh
  • frozen
  • natural

breeding tax from 1000 €


jumper Karamia 10 (Hanoverian, 2016, from Kannan)

Karamia 10

stallion Karajan 40 (Westphalian, 2019, from Kannan)

Karajan 40

broodmare Karamia (Hanoverian, 2017, from Kannan)


broodmare Bridgit (Belgian Warmblood, 2001, from Kannan)


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stallion Kamino Real (German Sport Horse, 2018, from Karajan)

Kamino Real

jumper Sakata vd Knuffel (Belgian Warmblood, 2018, from Karajan)

Sakata vd Knuffel

jumper Karpeggio (Westphalian, 2018, from Karajan)


jumper Kalouba (Westphalian, 2018, from Karajan)


Show all 307 children

Base data

name (International, DE) Karajan sportname (International) Karajan
sportname (DE) Karajan 39 breeding name (International, DE) Karajan
UELN 276431316897314 National-ID DE 431316897314
FEI-ID 107FI87 gender Stallion
breed Hanoverian type horse
born 03/27/2014 shoulder height 170 cm
colour brown discipline Springen
mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse riding club, association Hannoveraner Verband e.V.
Awards gekört Father Kannan
Mother Vilja father of mother Verdi
Breeder Werner Schultze Place of birth Germany, 29364 Langlingen
whereabouts Germany, 29549 Bad Bevensen profile views 32965
The stallion was licensed at Westfalian Licensing in Münster Handorf 2016.

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