

horse, unknown, Stallion (approved), 2014

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jumper Gut Neuenhof's Camira (Westphalian, 2009, from Cristallo I)

Gut Neuenhof's Camira

jumper Gut Neuenhofs Camiro (Westphalian, 2010, from Cristallo I)

Gut Neuenhofs Camiro

stallion Glendale 8 (Westphalian, 2012, from Goldfever 3)

Glendale 8

jumper Balatina (Westphalian, 2015, from Baloutelli 2)


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jumper Halleluja 11 (German Sport Horse, 2019, from Cristallino)

Halleluja 11

jumper C'est la Vie M (Austrian Warmblood, 2019, from Cristallino)

C'est la Vie M

jumper Casper S 4 (German Sport Horse, 2018, from Cristallino)

Casper S 4

jumper Olizza 3 (German Sport Horse, 2019, from Cristallino)

Olizza 3

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Base data

name (International, DE) Cristallino sportname (International) Cristallino
sportname (DE) Cristallino 3 breeding name (International, DE) Cristallino
UELN 276441410555214 National-ID DE 441410555214
FEI-ID 106XX40 gender Stallion
breed Westphalian type horse
born 03/25/2014 shoulder height 165 cm
colour mold discipline Springen
mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse riding club, association Pferdezuchtverband Sachsen-Thüringen e.V.
Awards gekört Father Cristallo II
Mother Latina AS father of mother Lancer III
Breeder Gestüt Gut Neuenhof KG, Dr. Axel Schürner Place of birth Germany, Add city
whereabouts Germany, Add city profile views 5944
The stallion was licensed at Westfalian Licensing in Münster Handorf 2016.

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