

horse, unknown, Stallion (approved), 2014

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broodmare H - Casalla (Holsteiner, 2015, from Casall Ask)

H - Casalla

jumper Stute von Casall /Continera (Holsteiner, 2021, from Casall Ask)

Stute von Casall /Continera

jumper Diacossina (Holsteiner, 2019, from Diamant de Semilly)


jumper Hengst von Van Gogh / Contendro I / Cassini I (Oldenburg show jumper, 2018, from van Gogh)

Hengst von Van Gogh / Contendro I / Cassini I

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jumper Lilly VA (Holsteiner, 2018, from Cieran)

Lilly VA

stallion Cieramo (Holsteiner, 2019, from Cieran)


jumper Nikita 548 (Holsteiner, 2020, from Cieran)

Nikita 548

jumper Hengst von Cieran / Kannan (Holsteiner, 2020, from Cieran)

Hengst von Cieran / Kannan

Show all 77 children


Base data

name (International, DE) Cieran sportname (International, DE) Cieran
breeding name (International, DE) Cieran UELN 276421000500314
National-ID DE 421000500314 FEI-ID 106HH87
gender Stallion breed Holsteiner
type horse born 04/28/2014
shoulder height add colour dark brown
discipline Springen mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse
riding club, association add Awards gekört
Father Casall Ask Mother Continera
father of mother Contendro I Breeder Carsten Harms, Harms Carsten
Place of birth Germany, Add city whereabouts add
profile views 7803
The stallion was licensed at Holsteiner Licensing in Neumünster 2016.

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