Karlsson (Karlsson 36)

Karlsson (Karlsson 36)

horse, Trakehner, Stallion (approved), 2014

rimondo Insights

Karlsson, the impressive Trakehner stallion, has made a name for himself both in sport and breeding. Born in 2014, he boasts a remarkable performance record with over 45 placings from 75 starts. Under the rider Andreas Brandt, Karlsson achieved his first successes, including victories in dressage and jumping competitions at the A level. His greatest achievements were celebrated in the saddle of Paula Fatteicher, with a notable victory in an A** dressage competition in 2022.

Although Karlsson has yet to produce licensed offspring or award-winning mares, he shows promising potential in breeding. His sire, Dramatiker, has already produced over 60 offspring and contributes to the strong genetic line. The combination with dam sire Elimcal xx gives him a special aptitude for demanding disciplines, which is reflected in his sporting performances.

With a solid pedigree and promising potential for the future, Karlsson remains an interesting sire for breeders who prioritize quality and athleticism.

Last updated: 25.02.2025, AI-generated text

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Stallion owner of Karlsson

Gestüt Ganschow

Alle im Katalog aufgeführten Hengste stehen im Natursprung zur Verfügung. Das Deckgeld ist vor dem ersten Sprung fällig und berechtigt zur Inanspruchnahme des Hengstes während der gesamten Decksaison.

Sperm availability

  • fresh
  • frozen
  • natural

breeding tax: on request


jumper Kati (Trakehner, 2013, from Dramatiker)


stallion Karlsson II (Trakehner, 2020, from Dramatiker)

Karlsson II

dressage horse Kalle Blomquist 10 (Trakehner, 2008, from Herzensdieb)

Kalle Blomquist 10

jumper Kandinsky 13 (Trakehner, 2019, from Adorator)

Kandinsky 13

Show all siblings


eventing horse Irmela (Trakehner, 2019, from Karlsson)


eventing horse Hengst von Karlsson x Santiago xx (Trakehner, 2019, from Karlsson)

Hengst von Karlsson x Santiago xx

eventing horse Hengst von Karlsson x Ultra chic (Trakehner, 2021, from Karlsson)

Hengst von Karlsson x Ultra chic

eventing horse Elis (Trakehner, 2019, from Karlsson)


Show all 6 children

Base data

name (DE) Karlsson sportname (DE) Karlsson 36
UELN 276409090229314 National-ID DE 409090229314
FEI-ID 106WT95 gender Stallion
breed Trakehner type horse
born 04/27/2014 shoulder height 165 cm
colour brown discipline Dressur, Springen
mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse riding club, association Trakehner Verband
Awards gekört Father Dramatiker
Mother Kallwischken II father of mother Elimcal xx
Breeder Katja Brune Place of birth add
whereabouts Germany, Add city profile views 6484
The stallion was licensed at Trakehner Licensing in Neumünster 2016.

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