Glorett S (Gloretta)

Glorett S (Gloretta)

horse, Bavarian, Leistungsstute, 1998


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Base data

name (DE) Glorett S sportname (DE) Gloretta
UELN 276381811545598 National-ID DE 381811545598
gender Mare breed Bavarian
type horse born 01/01/1998
shoulder height 162 cm colour brown
discipline add mainly used for stud horse
riding club, association Pferdezuchtverband Sachsen-Thüringen e.V. Awards Leistungsstute, Elitestute
Father Le Picot G Mother Graefin
father of mother New Wonder xx Place of birth Germany, 97488 Stadtlauringen (Bayern)
whereabouts Germany, 97469 Gochsheim, Unterfranken (Bayern) field test add
station test add profile views 857

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