Rubicon Leonardo

Rubicon Leonardo

horse, Luxembourg horse, Stallion (approved), 2005

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Base data

name (International, LU) Rubicon Leonardo name (DE) Rubincon Leonardo
sportname (International, DE, LU) Rubicon Leonardo breeding name (International, DE) Rubicon Leonardo
UELN 442330000002605 National-ID LUX330000002605
FEI-ID 106DT14 gender Stallion
breed Luxembourg horse type horse
born 05/15/2005 shoulder height add
colour brown discipline Dressur, Springen
mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse riding club, association add
Awards gekört Father Rubin Cortes OLD
Mother Wicke father of mother Weltmeyer
Breeder Reinartz, Franz Place of birth Luxembourg, Add city
whereabouts add profile views 5338

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