Amarulla von Kuhl (Amarullla von Kuhl)

Amarulla von Kuhl (Amarullla von Kuhl)

pony, Dt.Part-bred Shet., Mare, 2013

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stallion Amigo von Kuhl (Shetland pony (under 87 cm), 2015, from Amor vom Borkenbrink)

Amigo von Kuhl

horse Anni von Kuhl (Dt.Part-bred Shetland pony, 2020, from Amor vom Borkenbrink)

Anni von Kuhl

broodmare Angelia von Kuhl (Dt.Part-bred Shetland pony, 2011, from Angelo vom Borkenbrink)

Angelia von Kuhl

horse Dwingo von Kuhl (Shetland pony (under 87 cm), 2018, from Dwicht v. Davenhof)

Dwingo von Kuhl

Show all siblings


horse Donatelli von Kuhl (Shetland Pony, 2017)

Donatelli von Kuhl

horse Davina von Kuhl (Westphalian, 2019, from Dwicht v. Davenhof)

Davina von Kuhl

horse Diva von Kuhl (Shetland Pony, 2022, from Dwicht v. Davenhof)

Diva von Kuhl

foal by Timmy von Kuhl (Dt.Part-bred Shetland pony, 2024, from Tim)

Timmy von Kuhl

Show all 4 children


Base data

name (DE) Amarulla von Kuhl sportname (DE) Amarullla von Kuhl
UELN 276441410768113 National-ID DE 441410768113
gender Mare breed Dt.Part-bred Shetland pony
type pony born 04/25/2013
shoulder height add colour buckskin
discipline add mainly used for stud horse
riding club, association Westfälisches Pferdestammbuch e.V. Awards add
Father Amor vom Borkenbrink Mother Ilana vom Borkenbrink
father of mother Ikarus Breeder Barbara Gester-Wilms, Barbara Gester-Wilms, Lutz Gester u. Barbara Gester-Wilms
Place of birth Germany, 58849 Herscheid whereabouts Germany, 58849 Herscheid
field test add station test add
profile views 822

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