Magnus Romeo

Magnus Romeo

horse, Argentinian horse, Stallion (approved), 2001

rimondo Insights

Magnus Romeo, an Argentine sport horse born in 2001, has made a name for himself both in sport and breeding. With over 50 placings at the international level, including victories in S***** show jumping competitions, he demonstrates his exceptional performance capability. Under the rider Hans-Dieter Dreher, Magnus Romeo achieved his greatest successes, including winning an international S***** show jumping competition.

In breeding, Magnus Romeo has produced over 60 offspring. Particularly noteworthy is the licensed stallion Magnus La Magia, who proves his genetic influence with 78 placings. The preferred pairing with mares from strong performance dam lines has proven to be especially successful.

His sire, Royal Feu, a Selle Français, has himself over 150 offspring who are successful in various disciplines. Magnus Romeo continues this tradition and remains a sought-after sire for show jumping.

Last updated: 25.02.2025, AI-generated text

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Stallion owner of Magnus Romeo

Gestüt Grenzland

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breeding tax from 500 €


jumper Nayana (Selle Français, 2001, from Royal Feu)


jumper Saperlipopette D'Isle (Selle Français, 2006, from Royal Feu)

Saperlipopette D'Isle

stallion King de Bneville (Selle Français, 1998, from Royal Feu)

King de Bneville

jumper Dileme D'Ermont (Selle Français, 2013, from Royal Feu)

Dileme D'Ermont

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jumper Nupafeed's Romeo's Pearl (German Sport Horse, 2015, from Magnus Romeo)

Nupafeed's Romeo's Pearl

jumper Magnus Gs (Holsteiner, 2014, from Magnus Romeo)

Magnus Gs

jumper Mr. Miller 3 (Hanoverian, 2014, from Magnus Romeo)

Mr. Miller 3

jumper Maximus 107 (Holsteiner, 2013, from Magnus Romeo)

Maximus 107

Show all 67 children

Base data

name (International, CH, DE) Magnus Romeo sportname (International, CH, DE) Magnus Romeo
breeding name (DE) Magnus Romeo UELN 276404980082301
National-ID DE 404980082301 FEI-ID ARG40759
gender Stallion breed Argentinian horse
type horse born 01/01/2001
shoulder height 172 cm colour dark brown
discipline Springen mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse
riding club, association add Awards gekört
Father Royal Feu Mother Soy Happy
father of mother Hans Anders Z Place of birth Argentina, Add city
whereabouts Germany, Gestüt Grenzland profile views 12062

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