Das Wir gewinnt
Das Wir gewinnt
pony, German Riding Pony, Leistungsstute, 2016
- pony
- German Riding Pony
- Leistungsstute
- 2016
Tournament results
Show all tournament resultsBreed events
Stuten- und Fohlenschau Steinheim 2019 | Isabel Mense, Rolf Liebhart |
Stutenleistungsprüfung Steinheim | Isabel Mense |
Success evaluation
Sport success
only for pro member
Success as junior
only for pro member
Breeding awards
only for pro member
Base data
name (DE) | Das Wir gewinnt | sportname (DE) | Das Wir gewinnt |
breeding name (DE) | Das Wir gewinnt | UELN | 276410101618816 |
National-ID | DE 410101618816 | gender | Mare |
breed | German Riding Pony | type | pony |
born | 02/29/2016 | shoulder height | add |
colour | dark brown | discipline | Dressur, Springen |
mainly used for | sportshorse | riding club, association | Zuchtverband für deutsche Pferde e.V. (ZfdP) |
Awards | Leistungsstute, Verbandsprämienstute | Father | Del Estero NRW |
Mother | Dilaila 3 | father of mother | De Angelo B |
Breeder | Isabel Mense, Rolf Liebhart | Place of birth | add |
whereabouts | Germany, Add city | field test | 8.2 |
station test | add | profile views | 1825 |