Acajou 51

Acajou 51

horse, Bavarian, Stallion (approved), 2000

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dressage horse Raschid (Bavarian, 1997, from Rohdiamant)


broodmare Minna Herzlieb (Bavarian, 2003, from Medici)

Minna Herzlieb

broodmare Herzgold (Bavarian, 2001, from Rotgold)


horse Maranello 6 (Oldenburg, 1995, from Justinian xx)

Maranello 6

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broodmare Riccarda 19 (Bavarian, 2006, from Acajou 51)

Riccarda 19

jumper Waldfee 693 (Bavarian, 2004, from Acajou 51)

Waldfee 693

jumper Eden L'Amour (Bavarian, 2006, from Acajou 51)

Eden L'Amour

broodmare Amisty (Westphalian, 2006, from Acajou 51)


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Base data

name (International) Acajou 51 name (DE) Acajou
sportname (International, DE) Acajou 51 breeding name (DE) Acajou
UELN 276481660002100 National-ID DE 481660002100
FEI-ID GER41700 gender Stallion
breed Bavarian type horse
born 03/07/2000 shoulder height 169 cm
colour brown discipline Springen
mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse riding club, association Landesverband Bayerischer Pferdezüchter e.V.
Awards gekört Father Asti Spumante 7
Mother Herz As father of mother Furioso II
Breeder Hartmann, Wolfgang Place of birth Germany, 94357 Konzell
whereabouts Germany, 82441 Ohlstadt profile views 5894

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