Topten de Sainval
Topten de Sainval
horse, Selle Français, Stallion, 2007
- horse
- Selle Français
- Stallion
- 2007
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Tournament results
Quitrie Sainte Marie | FEI Reitturnier Blaye (FRA) 2017 | |
Quitrie Sainte Marie | FEI Reitturnier Blaye (FRA) 2017 | |
Quitrie Sainte Marie | FEI Reitturnier Blaye (FRA) 2017 |
Base data
name (DE) | Topten de Sainval | sportname (DE) | Topten de Sainval |
UELN | 25000107393186C | National-ID | FRA00107393186C |
FEI-ID | 104WI43 | gender | Stallion |
breed | Selle Français | type | horse |
born | 03/27/2007 | shoulder height | 169 cm |
colour | chestnut | discipline | Springen |
mainly used for | sportshorse | riding club, association | Stud-Book Selle Français (SF) |
Awards | add | Father | Quaprice Z |
Mother | Kirka de Baugy | father of mother | Papillon Rouge |
Place of birth | France, Add city | whereabouts | add |
profile views | 211 |