Horion de Libersart

Horion de Libersart

horse, Belgian Warmblood, Stallion (approved), 2007

rimondo Insights

Horion de Libersart, an outstanding stallion of the Belgian Warmblood, impresses both in sport and breeding. Born in 2007, he has made a name for himself with over 60 placings in international show jumping competitions. His greatest successes were achieved under the saddle of Frederik Frank Madsen, including a victory in a national S*-jumping competition.

Horion de Libersart is sired by the renowned Holsteiner stallion VDL Cardento 933, who has produced over 1,000 offspring himself. His dam, Datscha de Libersart, carries the bloodline of the famous Hanoverian Voltaire, known for his excellent jumping inheritance.

Although Horion de Libersart has not yet produced any licensed stallions or award-winning mares, he remains a promising sire with a solid pedigree that emphasizes performance and quality. His offspring are known for their jumping abilities, which can be attributed to the strong genetic foundation.

Last updated: 25.02.2025, AI-generated text

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Stallion owner of Horion de Libersart

Tilleman & Lenaerts Horses

Nederland : De Radstake - Fam. Venderbosch Twente route 8 NL Heelweg Tel: +31 315 24 37 38 Fax: +31 315 24 33 83 Email: horses@radstake.nl Deutschland : Gestüt "Auf der Held" - Zimmer J-M. Baumberg 26 D-54597 Plütscheid Tel: +49 173 173 37 83 Fax: +49 65 54 90 09 856 Email: info@gestuetaufderheld.de France : Haras de Talma Mme Petit Joy Tel: +33 628 45 35 99 E-mail: info@harasdetalma.com

Sperm availability

  • fresh
  • frozen
  • natural

breeding tax: on request


jumper Oriane de Libersart (Belgian Warmblood, 2014, from VDL Cardento 933)

Oriane de Libersart

jumper Pinky Pie de Libersart (Belgian Warmblood, 2015, from Taalex)

Pinky Pie de Libersart

jumper Courage (Westphalian, 2009, from VDL Cardento 933)


jumper Damascus (KWPN (Royal Dutch Sporthorse), 2002, from VDL Cardento 933)


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jumper History van't Ameldonk Z (Zangersheide riding horse, 2012, from Horion de Libersart)

History van't Ameldonk Z

jumper Michelangelo (Belgian Warmblood, 2012, from Horion de Libersart)


jumper Hilfiger van T Amaldonk Z (Zangersheide riding horse, 2012, from Horion de Libersart)

Hilfiger van T Amaldonk Z

jumper Meadow (Belgian Warmblood, 2012, from Horion de Libersart)


Show all 25 children

Base data

name (International, DE) Horion de Libersart sportname (International, DE) Horion de Libersart
breeding name (DE) Horion de Libersart UELN 056002W00261898
National-ID BEL002W00261898 FEI-ID 104EQ13
gender Stallion breed Belgian Warmblood
type horse born 10/04/2007
shoulder height 171 cm colour mold
discipline Springen mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse
riding club, association Belgian Warmblood Horse Studbook (BWP) Awards gekört
Father VDL Cardento 933 Mother Datscha de Libersart
father of mother Voltaire Breeder Geron Yves
Place of birth Belgium, Add city whereabouts add
profile views 2488

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