Krack C (IPS Krack C)

Krack C (IPS Krack C)

horse, KWPN (Royal Dutch Sporthorse), Stallion (approved), 1992

rimondo Insights

Krack C, an impressive KWPN stallion from 1992, has made a name for himself in breeding through his exceptional genetic influence. With over 200 offspring, he has had a significant impact on modern dressage horse breeding. Particularly noteworthy are his licensed sons like Vivaldi, who has demonstrated his genetic prowess with over 450 offspring, and United, who also boasts a remarkable lineage.

The offspring of Krack C are not only numerous but also diverse in their success. The state premium mare Urone 2377 FIN and the elite mare Zaire B are just two examples of the exceptional quality of his progeny.

Particularly successful pairings have been achieved with damsires like Jazz, further emphasizing the high quality of the offspring. Krack C remains a sought-after sire in dressage horse breeding, impressing with his hereditary quality and the ongoing success of his descendants.

Last updated: 25.02.2025, AI-generated text

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Stallion owner of Krack C

Van Uytert

Sperm availability

  • fresh
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breeding tax from 1550 €


dressage horse Baton Rouge C (KWPN (Royal Dutch Sporthorse), 2006, from Flemmingh)

Baton Rouge C

broodmare Rita Cara C (KWPN (Royal Dutch Sporthorse), 1998, from Flemmingh)

Rita Cara C

broodmare Platinacara C (KWPN (Royal Dutch Sporthorse), 1997, from Flemmingh)

Platinacara C

jumper Valentijn (KWPN (Royal Dutch Sporthorse), 2002, from Flemmingh)


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dressage horse Twister Rvl (KWPN (Royal Dutch Sporthorse), 2000, from Krack C)

Twister Rvl

dressage horse Zamora (KWPN (Royal Dutch Sporthorse), 2004, from Krack C)


dressage horse Zygrande Le Coupied (KWPN (Royal Dutch Sporthorse), 2004, from Krack C)

Zygrande Le Coupied

dressage horse Emerio's Ureka (KWPN (Royal Dutch Sporthorse), 2001, from Krack C)

Emerio's Ureka

Show all 248 children

Base data

name (DE) Krack C sportname (DE) IPS Krack C
breeding name (DE) Krack C UELN 528003199205860
National-ID NLD003199205860 FEI-ID NED05335
gender Stallion breed KWPN (Royal Dutch Sporthorse)
type horse born 04/17/1992
Day of death 05/09/2017 shoulder height 169 cm
colour brown discipline Dressur
mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse riding club, association add
Awards gekört Father Flemmingh
Mother Gicara II father of mother Beaujolais 81 FIN
Breeder Stoeterij't -Centrum Place of birth Netherlands, 1608 Wijdenes
whereabouts Netherlands, 6624 Heerewaarden profile views 35319

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