Joly's Verona
Joly's Verona
pony, Dutch Pony, Mare, 2001
- pony
- Dutch Pony
- Mare
- 2001
Base data
name (DE) | Joly's Verona | sportname (DE) | Joly's Verona |
UELN | 528018020010117 | National-ID | NLD018020010117 |
gender | Mare | breed | Dutch Pony |
type | pony | born | 01/01/2001 |
shoulder height | 138 cm | colour | chestnut |
discipline | Springen | mainly used for | stud horse, sportshorse |
riding club, association | add | Awards | add |
Father | Kantje's Ronaldo | Mother | Saffier |
father of mother | Wicked Courtjester | Place of birth | Netherlands, Add city |
whereabouts | Denmark, 7100 Vejle | field test | add |
station test | add | profile views | 1233 |
Joly is a nice and fresh pony. She is not the type of pony you have troubles to move forward with. She loves a good run. Joly is very talentet and care full when she jumpes. We have jumpes 105 on her but we dosen't have the time to develop her. She is running most at home until you will get to know her but at shows she is very controlable and listening to her rider. Joly wants a rider whose brave and likes speed. Joly is fast pony and can make good turns. Joly is 15 years and 138 cm. There's no problems with her in stable or in the fields. She hasn't been used for dressage but she can easiely learn.
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