Diabolo vom Rindergraben

Diabolo vom Rindergraben

pony, Shetland Pony, Stallion, 2015


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Base data

name (DE) Diabolo vom Rindergraben UELN 276410100231415
National-ID DE 410100231415 gender Stallion
breed Shetland Pony type pony
born 08/07/2015 shoulder height 90 cm
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mainly used for stud horse, free time horse riding club, association Zuchtverband für deutsche Pferde e.V. (ZfdP)
Awards add Father Domino von Weyhe
Mother Despina vom Nordpol father of mother Balthasar vom Ellernbrook
Breeder Silke Piel Place of birth add
whereabouts Germany, Add city profile views 695


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