horse, Shagya-Araber, Mare, 1990
- horse
- Shagya-Araber
- Mare
- 1990
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Tournament results
Geländepferde-Wettbewerb |
Astrid Rissmann |
Bötzow Distanzritt |
Geländepferde-Wettbewerb |
Astrid Rissmann |
Zehlendorfer Distanzritt |
Geländepferde-Wettbewerb |
Astrid Rissmann |
Ahrensfelder Distanzritt |
Geländepferde-Wettbewerb |
Astrid Rissmann |
Britzer Distanzritt |
Dressurprüfung Kl. E |
Astrid Rissmann |
Dressur-u. Springturnier Rüdnitz |
Show all 1 childrenadvertisement
Base data
name (DE) | Sheera | sportname (DE) | Sheera |
gender | Mare | breed | Shagya Arabian |
type | horse | born | 01/01/1990 |
shoulder height | 156 cm | colour | fly horse |
discipline | Wanderreiten, Distanzreiten | mainly used for | stud horse |
riding club, association | Zuchtverband für Sportpferde Arabischer Abstammung | Awards | add |
Father | Saltano | Mother | Surah Al Barriah ox |
father of mother | 5-Ibn Galal EAO | Place of birth | Germany, Add city |
whereabouts | Germany, Add city | field test | add |
station test | add | profile views | 634 |