Comme Prevu

Comme Prevu

horse, Westphalian, Stallion (approved), 2013

rimondo Insights

Comme Prevu, the impressive Westphalian stallion from the 2013 cohort, has made a name for himself both in sport and breeding. Under Hendrik Sosath, he achieved his greatest successes, including a victory in international M*-level show jumping and a national success in S*-level show jumping. With over 85 placings and more than 200 starts, he demonstrates a remarkable performance record in show jumping.

In breeding, Comme Prevu has produced over 100 offspring, including several licensed stallions such as Comanchero and Comdor, who also qualified for the Bundeschampionat. The state premium mare Comme Demande S further highlights his breeding power.

Particularly noteworthy is his preferred pairing with dam sires like Cador 5, which has led to numerous sportingly successful offspring. Comme Prevu remains a sought-after sire, whose influence in show jumping horse breeding continues to grow.

Last updated: 25.02.2025, AI-generated text

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Stallion owner of Comme Prevu

Hengststation Sosath

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breeding tax from 1100 €


broodmare Action (Westphalian, 2014, from Action-Breaker)


stallion Quasi Plus (Westphalian, 2017, from Quasimodo vd Molendreef)

Quasi Plus

jumper Kan Fly High (Westphalian, 2018, from Karajan)

Kan Fly High

jumper Ziressa (Westphalian, 2019, from Zirocco Blue)


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stallion Comdor (Hanoverian, 2018, from Comme Prevu)


jumper Clisco (German Sport Horse, 2019, from Comme Prevu)


jumper Sepp AH (Swiss Warmblood, 2018, from Comme Prevu)

Sepp AH

jumper Chilli S 3 (Hanoverian, 2018, from Comme Prevu)

Chilli S 3

Show all 111 children

Base data

name (International, DE) Comme Prevu sportname (International) Comme Prevu
sportname (DE) Comme Prévu 2 breeding name (DE) Comme Prévu
UELN 276441411188913 National-ID DE 441411188913
FEI-ID 106FC34 gender Stallion
breed Westphalian type horse
born 05/21/2013 shoulder height 170 cm
colour black Brown discipline Springen
mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse riding club, association Westfälisches Pferdestammbuch e.V.
Awards gekört Father Comme il Faut
Mother Quintessa father of mother Quinta Real
Breeder Ignaz Berger, IB Berger GmbH Place of birth Germany, Add city
whereabouts add profile views 15234
Comme Prévu - premium stallion, placed at the Bundeschampionat and World Championships, main premium winner and victorious in advanced (S) level. The uncomplicated and chic jumping stallion with a good brain is convincing in sport and breeding. His offspring stand out for their type and athleticism, and he now has several licensed sons, including the promising Comanchero.
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