Amina Balboa
Amina Balboa
pony, Lewitzer, Leistungsstute, 2006
- pony
- Lewitzer
- Leistungsstute
- 2006
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Tournament results
Reiter-Wettbewerb |
Nayilah Ott |
Bochumer Reiterschaft |
Reiter-Wettbewerb |
Nayilah ott (ich) |
RFZ Castrop Rauxel e.V |
Dressurreiter-Wettbewerb |
Nayilah Ott |
RV Castrop Rauxel |
Reiter-Wettbewerb |
Nayilah ott (ich) |
RSG Herne Börnig |
Reiter-Wettbewerb |
Nayilah Ott |
RSG Herne Börnig |
Base data
name (DE) | Amina Balboa | sportname (DE) | Amina Balboa |
UELN | 276427270575006 | National-ID | DE 427270575006 |
gender | Mare | breed | Lewitzer |
type | pony | born | 04/30/2006 |
shoulder height | 144 cm | colour | Black and tan pinto |
discipline | Springen, Dressur | mainly used for | sportshorse |
riding club, association | Verband der Pferdezüchter Mecklenburg-Vorpommern | Awards | Leistungsstute |
Father | Bbc | Mother | Kaaba |
father of mother | Sultan | Place of birth | Germany, Add city |
whereabouts | Germany, herne | field test | add |
station test | add | profile views | 3712 |