Chance on Champ
Chance on Champ
horse, Oldenburg show jumper, Gelding, 2015
- horse
- Oldenburg show jumper
- Gelding
- 2015
Tournament results
Fenna Marie Stöckmann | Reitturnier Visselhövede 2018 |
Breed events
27. Mecklenburger Körtage 2017 - Körung | Günter Peters |
Oldenburger Vorauswahl OS - Körung 2017/2018 | Günter Peters |
Base data
name (DE) | Chance on Champ | sportname (DE) | Chance on Champ |
UELN | 276418182078415 | National-ID | DE 418182078415 |
gender | Gelding | breed | Oldenburg show jumper |
type | horse | born | 03/16/2015 |
shoulder height | 169 cm | colour | brown |
discipline | Dressur, Springen, Vielseitigkeit | mainly used for | sportshorse |
riding club, association | add | Awards | add |
Father | Chancenreich | Mother | Gwyneth |
father of mother | Gullit | Breeder | Günter Peters |
Place of birth | add | whereabouts | add |
profile views | 1644 |
Chancenreich presents his very first in Vechta. Gwyneth is also the dam of the licensed Contador Gold by Contendro I. Palme by Pik König is a sister of the successful advanced level Ideal/Heinrich-Wilhelm Baule and the dam of Gabbiano by Grosso/Anne Strunk, an advanced level winner. From the dam line: the stallionsWandergesell, Frascati and Wanderkönig by Wanderer, Wodka by Wolfsburg and Rio Grande by Raphael.
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