Gandalf (Gizmo)

Gandalf (Gizmo)

pony, Fjord Horse, Stallion (approved), 2008


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horse Gero (Fjord Horse, 2017, from Østerskov's Gulliver)


broodmare Cjorvin (Fjord Horse,  , from Stedjeblakken)


horse Veit (Fjord Horse, 2007, from Vlin)


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Malia MilkyWay vom goldenen Adler

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Gonzo vom goldenen Adler

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Malaika vom goldenen Adler

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Base data

name (DE) Gandalf sportname (DE) Gizmo
UELN 276435350277808 National-ID DE 435350277808
gender Stallion breed Fjord Horse
type pony born 05/30/2008
shoulder height 145 cm colour white dun
discipline Dressur, Springen, Vielseitigkeit, Fahren mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse
riding club, association Zuchtverband für deutsche Pferde e.V. (ZfdP) Awards gekört
Father Østerskov's Gulliver Mother Wienka
father of mother Sebastian Place of birth Germany, 26831 Bunde, Ostfriesland (Niedersachsen)
whereabouts Germany, 26802 Moormerland (Niedersachsen) profile views 4190

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