Genscher (Genscher 4)

Genscher (Genscher 4)

pony, German Riding Pony, Stallion (approved), 2015

rimondo Insights

Genscher, an outstanding representative of the German Riding Pony, impresses both in sport and breeding. Born in 2015, he has already established himself as a champion stallion and demonstrates remarkable hereditary strength. Under the rider Rebekka Rösler, Genscher achieved initial successes in riding horse tests and riding pony tests. He later continued his promising career under the saddle of Kim Mira Ratton, with over 10 placements in dressage competitions at levels A* and L*.

His progeny is equally impressive. Over 20 offspring, including the licensed stallion Großes Kino, highlight his breeding significance. Equally remarkable is the premium mare Grace'S, who has been recognized as a performance mare. These successes underscore Genscher's ability to pass on quality and willingness to perform to his descendants.

Genscher comes from a successful lineage, with the stallion Golden West NRW as his sire and the mare Desiree as his dam. His dam's sire Domingo has produced over 150 offspring, further emphasizing Genscher's strong genetic foundation.

Last updated: 25.02.2025, AI-generated text

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Stallion owner of Genscher

Hengststation Jill Mieleszko-Vekens

Stationsleiter,Beratung & Verkauf: Frederik Vekens: 0171 / 32 843 01

Sperm availability

  • fresh
  • frozen
  • natural

breeding tax from 500 €


stallion Going Top (German Riding Pony, 1998, from Going East)

Going Top

broodmare Grace Kelly (German Riding Pony, 2013, from HET Golden Dream)

Grace Kelly

stallion Cezanne de Luxe (Westphalian, 2006, from FS Champion de Luxe)

Cezanne de Luxe

broodmare Cara Donna (German Riding Pony, 2009, from FS Champion de Luxe)

Cara Donna

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dressage horse George AH (German Riding Pony, 2019, from Genscher)

George AH

stallion Großes Kino (German Riding Pony, 2019, from Genscher)

Großes Kino

dressage horse Golden Gladys 3 (German Riding Pony, 2019, from Genscher)

Golden Gladys 3

stallion Garvey (German Riding Pony, 2019, from Genscher)


Show all 29 children

Base data

name (DE) Genscher sportname (DE) Genscher 4
breeding name (DE) Genscher UELN 276441410486015
National-ID DE 441410486015 gender Stallion
breed German Riding Pony type pony
born 05/04/2015 shoulder height 148 cm
colour palomino discipline Dressur
mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse riding club, association Westfälisches Pferdestammbuch e.V.
Awards gekört Father Golden West NRW
Mother Desiree father of mother Domingo
Breeder Werner Berensmeyer Place of birth add
whereabouts add profile views 13727

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