HAB Grand Couleur

HAB Grand Couleur

horse, Arab half breed, Stallion (approved), 2011


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jumper Cutie pie' (German Riding Pony, 2017, from Klepholms Ikarios)

Cutie pie'

dressage horse Colorful Phantasia (Arab half breed / Partbred, 2016, from Klepholms Ikarios)

Colorful Phantasia

horse Golden Fabia (Arab half breed / Partbred, 2016, from Klepholms Ikarios)

Golden Fabia

horse Golden Percy (Little German Riding Horse, 2019, from Klepholms Ikarios)

Golden Percy

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broodmare Blumberg's Honigbiene Ox (Arabian thoroughbred, 2017, from HAB Grand Couleur)

Blumberg's Honigbiene Ox

eventing horse Hajdar (Arab half breed / Partbred, 2018, from HAB Grand Couleur)


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Base data

name (DE) HAB Grand Couleur sportname (DE) HAB Grand Couleur
breeding name (DE) HAB Grand Couleur UELN 056001000BC4251
National-ID BEL001000BC4251 gender Stallion
breed Arab half breed / Partbred type horse
born 01/01/2011 shoulder height 158 cm
colour Cremello discipline Dressur, Springen, Vielseitigkeit, Distanzreiten
mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse riding club, association add
Awards gekört durch Leistung, gekört Father Klepholms Ikarios
Mother Gondy father of mother Mayghib ox
Place of birth add whereabouts United Kingdom, Add city
profile views 3069

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