Crown Charm of Royal

Crown Charm of Royal

pony, unknown, Stallion (approved), 2011

rimondo Insights

Crown Charm of Royal, an outstanding representative of the German Riding Ponies, impresses both in sport and breeding. Born in 2011, he has achieved over 60 placings in dressage, including international successes such as winning the FEI Pony Competition. Under the rider Filippa Jæger Jensen, he celebrated his greatest successes.

His offspring are following in his footsteps and displaying impressive performances. Particularly noteworthy is his licensed son First Class Royal King, who was awarded as champion stallion. The state premium mares Maple Leaf 6 and H-S Lady Charming also underscore the exceptional breeding power of Crown Charm of Royal.

With a preference for pairings with descendants of Monte Christo, his dam's sire, Crown Charm of Royal shows a particular aptitude for dressage, reflected in the sporting successes of his progeny. His sire, Casino Royale K WE, also boasts an impressive breeding record, further reinforcing the quality of Crown Charm of Royal.

Last updated: 25.02.2025, AI-generated text

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broodmare Crown Imagine (German Riding Pony, 2008, from Fehkamp's Coestelin)

Crown Imagine

dressage horse Crown Design Deluxe (German Riding Pony, 2014, from Steendiek's FS Dali)

Crown Design Deluxe

stallion Crown Dramatic (German Riding Pony, 2019, from Dallmayr K)

Crown Dramatic

dressage horse Notting Hill 2 (German Riding Pony, 2016, from Fs Numero Uno)

Notting Hill 2

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broodmare Cindarella Royal G (German Riding Pony, 2015, from Crown Charm of Royal)

Cindarella Royal G

dressage horse Crown Caligiuri (German Riding Pony, 2015, from Crown Charm of Royal)

Crown Caligiuri

stallion Crown Cingdom (German Riding Pony, 2015, from Crown Charm of Royal)

Crown Cingdom

jumper Crown Cayman (German Riding Pony, 2018, from Crown Charm of Royal)

Crown Cayman

Show all 29 children


Base data

name (International, DE) Crown Charm of Royal sportname (International, DE) Crown Charm of Royal
breeding name (DE) Crown Charm of Royal UELN 276422220043511
National-ID DE 422220043511 FEI-ID 108OT92
gender Stallion breed German Riding Pony
type pony born 05/25/2011
shoulder height add colour palomino
discipline Dressur mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse
riding club, association Pferdestammbuch Schleswig-Holstein/Hamburg e.V. Awards gekört
Father Casino Royale K WE Mother Petit Inisha
father of mother Monte Christo Place of birth Germany, Add city
whereabouts add profile views 17314

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