Kannan (Kannan GFE)

Kannan (Kannan GFE)

horse, KWPN (Royal Dutch Sporthorse), Stallion (approved), 1992

rimondo Insights

Kannan, the impressive KWPN stallion from 1992, has made an outstanding name for himself not only in sport but especially in breeding. With over 3,000 successful offspring in show jumping, he is among the most influential stallions of his generation. Under the saddle of Michel Hecart, Kannan achieved his first sporting successes.

Particularly noteworthy are offspring such as Nino des Buissonnets, who shone as an Olympic champion, and Toupie de La Roque, who excelled in the Global Champions Tour. The approved son Karajan and the state premium mare Pr. St. Vanda Odessa CW also demonstrate his exceptional breeding power.

Kannan shows a remarkable predisposition for passing on jumping talent, which is reflected in numerous offspring with a jumping RPI of over 90, including James Kann Cruz and Nikolaj de Music. Preferred pairings with dam sires such as Quidam de Revel and Diamant de Semilly have produced many successful offspring. With over 50 new foals in the last year alone, he remains a sought-after sire.

Last updated: 25.02.2025, AI-generated text

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Stallion owner of Kannan

Niedersächsisches Landgestüt Celle

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broodmare Lady-Meta (KWPN (Royal Dutch Sporthorse), 1993, from Voltaire)


stallion Ohm de Ponthual (Selle Français, 2002, from Voltaire)

Ohm de Ponthual

broodmare Olinda (KWPN (Royal Dutch Sporthorse), 1996, from Voltaire)


stallion Vingino (KWPN (Royal Dutch Sporthorse), 2002, from Voltaire)


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broodmare Bridgit (Belgian Warmblood, 2001, from Kannan)


jumper Kennedy 38 (Oldenburg show jumper, 2004, from Kannan)

Kennedy 38

stallion Kiwi du Gibet (Luxembourg horse, 2001, from Kannan)

Kiwi du Gibet

broodmare Benedicte (Belgian Warmblood, 2001, from Kannan)


Show all 3359 children

Base data

name (International, DE) Kannan sportname (International) Kannan
sportname (DE) Kannan GFE breeding name (DE) Kannan
UELN 528003199204130 National-ID NLD003199204130
FEI-ID BEL05750 gender Stallion
breed KWPN (Royal Dutch Sporthorse) type horse
born 04/18/1992 Day of death 01/23/2020
shoulder height 174 cm colour brown
discipline Springen mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse
riding club, association Koninklijk Warmbloed Paardenstamboek Nederland (KWPN) Awards gekört
Father Voltaire Mother Cemeta
father of mother Nimmerdor Place of birth Netherlands, G. Kramer van der Meer, 3260 Oud-Beijerland
whereabouts Sweden, Add city profile views 55865

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