Loulou Mpsz

Loulou Mpsz

horse, Zangersheide riding horse, Mare, 2015

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broodmare MPS Be Funky (Oldenburg show jumper, 2018, from Bentley van de Heffinck)

MPS Be Funky

jumper Mps Bold Ruler (German Sport Horse, 2016, from Bentley van de Heffinck)

Mps Bold Ruler

jumper MPS Alice Z (Zangersheide riding horse, 2020, from Aganix du Seigneur)

MPS Alice Z

jumper Granate MPS Z (Zangersheide riding horse, 2021, from Grandorado TN)

Granate MPS Z

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Base data

name (International, DE) Loulou Mpsz sportname (International, DE) Loulou Mpsz
breeding name (DE) Loulou MPS Z UELN 056015Z55616215
National-ID BEL015Z55616215 FEI-ID 107KM64
gender Mare breed Zangersheide riding horse
type horse born 05/27/2015
shoulder height add colour brown
discipline Dressur, Springen, Vielseitigkeit mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse, free time horse
riding club, association Studbook Zangersheide (ZANG) Awards add
Father Lord Pezi Junior Mother MPS Sweet Funky
father of mother Semper Fi Breeder Marc Pierzina
Place of birth Germany, 48465 Schüttorf (Niedersachsen) whereabouts Germany, 49424 Goldenstedt
field test add station test add
profile views 4987

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