Leonardo 60 (Leonardo 843)

Leonardo 60 (Leonardo 843)

horse, Oldenburger, Gelding, 2005

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Base data

name (AT, DE) Leonardo 60 name (CH) Leonardo Xxxii
sportname (AT) Leonardo 60 sportname (CH) Leonardo Xxxii
sportname (DE) Leonardo 843 breeding name (DE) Larelio
UELN 276433330248805 National-ID DE 433330248805
FEI-ID 102XB14 Swiss ID 133252
LiveNumber Austria 181205 HeadNumber Austria 8L70
gender Gelding breed Oldenburg
type horse born 03/30/2005
shoulder height add colour sorrel
discipline Dressur mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse
riding club, association add Awards add
Father Laurentio Mother Karelia
father of mother Royal Dance Breeder Damken, Heino
Place of birth add whereabouts add
profile views 2521

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