Fetiche XL

Fetiche XL

horse, PRE, Gelding, 2009


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name (DE) Fetiche XL UELN 724015090137989
National-ID ESP015090137989 gender Gelding
breed Pura Raza Espanola (PRE) type horse
born 03/25/2009 shoulder height 163 cm
colour brown discipline Dressur
mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse riding club, association add
Awards add Father Ucles II
Mother Cloe II father of mother Obcecado
Place of birth Spain, Add city whereabouts Germany, DE-84564 Oberbergkirchen
profile views 11050
He is an amazing and extremly gentle, affectionate and loving horse, hard-working, uncomplicated and comfortable to ride, sure-footed. Appropriate for petite riders or young ladies, who want to join competitions. Fetiche has no problems with trailers, he is very broad and expressive in appearance and movement. He is our heart breaker, always being up for hoaxes, extremly cuddly.
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