Look at me HS

Look at me HS

horse, unknown, Mare, 2010

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jumper Simon Khr (Hanoverian, 2011, from Stanley)

Simon Khr

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Quint Khr

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Champus KHR

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Base data

name (DE) Look at me HS sportname (DE) Look at me HS
UELN 276431316702510 National-ID DE 431316702510
gender Mare breed Hanoverian
type horse born 01/01/2010
shoulder height 165 cm colour brown
discipline Springen, Orientierungsreiten, Vierkampf mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse
riding club, association Hannoveraner Verband e.V. Awards add
Father Langer Jan Mother Chekker
father of mother Serrano Place of birth Germany, Add city
whereabouts Germany, Lehrte field test add
station test add profile views 3680
Look at me is a mare. She has been in my possession sinc she was 4 year old. I bought her directly from the breeder. She gives always her best and is very ambitious. She is winning 1,20m and 1,30m and was placed in her first 1,40m. Her dam Chekker has won many 1,40m jumping competions. Look at me is easy to handle and is friendly. She is safe in Cross Country.
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