Praline 30
Praline 30
horse, Mecklenburger, Mare, 2005
- horse
- Mecklenburger
- Mare
- 2005
Tournament results
Janine Laacke | Reitturnier Berlin-Lübars - Reiterhöfe Qualitz und Kühne-Sironski 2014 |
Base data
name (DE) | Praline 30 | sportname (DE) | Praline 30 |
UELN | 276427270383605 | National-ID | DE 427270383605 |
gender | Mare | breed | Mecklenburg |
type | horse | born | 03/23/2005 |
shoulder height | 168 cm | colour | brown |
discipline | Dressur, Springen, Vielseitigkeit, Distanzreiten | mainly used for | sportshorse, free time horse |
riding club, association | add | Awards | add |
Father | Platini M | Mother | Forelle |
father of mother | Falke 2671 | Place of birth | Germany, Bützow |
whereabouts | Germany, Berlin | field test | add |
station test | add | profile views | 853 |