Henriette 515 FIN

Henriette 515 FIN

horse, Finnish Warmblood, Staatsprämienstute, 1976


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broodmare Lakmé 557 FIN (Finnish Warmblood, 1977, from Humorist 38 FIN)

Lakmé 557 FIN

horse Niki Poppet (sonstiges Pony, 1986, from Humorist 38 FIN)

Niki Poppet

broodmare Golden Trumpet 1484 FIN (Finnish Warmblood, 1980, from Humorist 38 FIN)

Golden Trumpet 1484 FIN

horse Zorro II (Finnish Warmblood, 1976, from Humorist 38 FIN)

Zorro II

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broodmare Still-Hof Lawine 1842 FIN (Finnish Warmblood, 1989, from Lavallo 66 FIN)

Still-Hof Lawine 1842 FIN

horse Damage (Finnish Warmblood, 1978)


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Maitre du Ballet

horse RR Landslide (Finnish Warmblood, 1999, from Lands River 90 FIN)

RR Landslide

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Base data

name (DE) Henriette 515 FIN UELN 2460010000R2169
National-ID FIN0010000R2169 gender Mare
breed Finnish Warmblood type horse
born 03/28/1976 Day of death 04/27/2003
shoulder height 157 cm colour chestnut
discipline add mainly used for stud horse
riding club, association add Awards Staatsprämienstute
Father Humorist 38 FIN Mother Alchemia 377 FIN
father of mother Marten AA Place of birth Finland, Tiina Halonen, Leppävirta
whereabouts Finland, Susanna Kuustonen, Kuopio field test add
station test add profile views 341
515 / 2169

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