(Rekord 24)
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Base data
name (DE) | Rekord | sportname (DE) | Rekord 24 |
UELN | 276387870053593 | National-ID | DE 387870053593 |
gender | Gelding | breed | Sachse |
type | horse | born | 05/24/1993 |
Day of death | 04/25/2019 | shoulder height | add |
colour | chestnut | discipline | add |
mainly used for | free time horse | riding club, association | add |
Awards | add | Father | Rosenthal |
Mother | Amata H 6640 | father of mother | Dorfjunge 1396 |
Place of birth | Germany, 08523 Plauen, Vogtland (Sachsen) | whereabouts | Germany, 08223 Grünbach |
profile views | 447 |