Balia 1936 ox (22 Kuhailan Zaid-1 ox)

Balia 1936 ox (22 Kuhailan Zaid-1 ox)

horse, Arabian thoroughbred, Mare, 1936


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Base data

name (DE) Balia 1936 ox sportname (DE) 22 Kuhailan Zaid-1 ox
breeding name (DE) 22 Kuhailan Zaid-1 ox breeding name (HU) 22 Kuhailan Zaid-1
gender Mare breed Arabian thoroughbred
type horse born 01/01/1936
shoulder height add colour mold
discipline add mainly used for stud horse
riding club, association add Awards add
Father Kuhaylan Zaid RAS Mother 25 Kemir ox
father of mother Kemir Sven Hedin 1905 ox Place of birth Hungary, 2943 Bábolna
whereabouts Hungary, Add city field test add
station test add profile views 273
PASB 1270 ASBB 54 During the second world war many of the polish horses were evacuated to Germany. Towards the end of the war the Poles found several mares from Babolna at a serum factory. Realising the value of the mares, the Poles traded the mares for some coldblooded horses. Thus 13 mares of the best Babolna breeding were saved. An agreement was made that the mares would be returned to Babolna when the stud had been rebuilt. As "thank you" for the rescue the produce of the mares were to remain in Poland. In 1951 the promise was honored and the mares returned to Babolna. Among the mares rescued were 233 Kuhailan Zaid-13 (renamed Bona) and 22 Kuhailan Zaid-1 (renamed Balia). These two were the first mares of the Bent-el-Arab OA line in Poland.
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