Klosterhof's Ragnir (Klosterhof`s Ragnir)

Klosterhof's Ragnir (Klosterhof`s Ragnir)

pony, Fjord Horse, Stallion (approved), 2012


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broodmare Fenja 238 (Fjord Horse, 2010, from Brijol)

Fenja 238

horse Klosterhof´s Fenna (Fjord Horse, 2011, from Stedjeblakken)

Klosterhof´s Fenna

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Klosterhof's Gleipnir

jumper Fuchsmoor's Raavi (Fjord Horse, 2015, from Resen N.2673)

Fuchsmoor's Raavi

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broodmare Rabea (Fjord Horse, 2017, from Klosterhof's Ragnir)


horse Rufus (Fjord Horse, 2018, from Klosterhof's Ragnir)


broodmare Rabea (Fjord Horse, 2018, from Klosterhof's Ragnir)


horse Stute von Klosterhof's Ragnir / Minor (Fjord Horse, 2019, from Klosterhof's Ragnir)

Stute von Klosterhof's Ragnir / Minor

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Base data

name (DE) Klosterhof's Ragnir sportname (DE) Klosterhof`s Ragnir
breeding name (DE) Klosterhofs Ragnir UELN 276422220026312
National-ID DE 422220026312 gender Stallion
breed Fjord Horse type pony
born 01/01/2012 shoulder height 146 cm
colour dun fallow discipline Dressur, Springen, Vielseitigkeit
mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse riding club, association Westfälisches Pferdestammbuch e.V.
Awards gekört Father Resen N.2673
Mother Femke van het Wilgenhof father of mother Eros
Breeder Inka STÖRMANN-THIES Place of birth Germany, 25572 Flethsee, Inka Störmann
whereabouts Germany, 46348 Raesfeld profile views 1687

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