horse, Oldenburger, Mare, 2013
- horse
- Oldenburger
- Mare
- 2013
Base data
name (DE) | Jonita | sportname (DE) | Jonita |
gender | Mare | breed | Oldenburg |
type | horse | born | 05/04/2013 |
shoulder height | 170 cm | colour | black |
discipline | Dressur | mainly used for | stud horse |
riding club, association | Verband der Züchter des Oldenburger Pferdes e.V. | Awards | add |
Father | Jazzman | Mother | De la Fabia |
father of mother | Delamanga | Breeder | Marion Hartmann |
Place of birth | Germany, 01471 Radeburg (Sachsen) | whereabouts | Germany, Radeburg |
field test | add | station test | add |
profile views | 5742 |
Black eyecatcher !! A mare by which you foal in love ! Beautiful black Oldenburger mare 2013 by Jazzman / Delamanga / Fidermark with elastic movements out of Grand Prix damline She is realy a black juwel for breeding, because she shows a lot of swinging and elasticity in her movements . Also she has big movments, good activity in the legs behind and enough freedom in the shoulder. She has now in 2023 a amazing black colt by Fair Deal and insamination for next year is possible. Mare has had also 4 foals more and all dark or black. All tall, long legs, very sweet character and super strong mover. Video stood book registration and fohl show (with her first foal) is by youtube to see and here by videos The damline of the mare is on of the best from Germany. Dam line " Glocke" (from breeder Schulte-Böcker, which has already breed the starshire Florestan) .. Grandmother is fullsister to the german horse champion and Grand Prix horse "Fürst Fabio" and another brother also is successful in the internatinal Grand Prix arena in Dutch. Sire Jazzman was a lot of years one of the breeding index highest son of the dutch starshire Jazz. Delamanga as reserve champion of the south german licensing and later successful up to Grand Prix (his father Dr. Jackson was 11 years under the top 1 % of the german breeding list and was one of the breeding index highest sons out of the great Donnerhall line ) And with Fidermark comes on of the greatest german dressage stallion in the pedigree. Mare is in best health has only had 2022 duringh the pregnancy a colic operation because the baby was laying bad. But no problem for the next pregnancies. Black lady for breeding on highest level
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