455 Tulipan Canissa V-2 (Kan)

455 Tulipan Canissa V-2 (Kan)

horse, Lipizzaner, Stallion, 2010


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Base data

name (DE) 455 Tulipan Canissa V-2 sportname (DE) Kan
gender Stallion breed Lipizzaner
type horse born 09/04/2010
shoulder height 155 cm colour grey fox
discipline Orientierungsreiten, Fahren, Distanzreiten mainly used for sportshorse, free time horse
riding club, association add Awards add
Father 925 Tulipan Toplica XXIV-1 Mother 953 Canissa V
father of mother 696 Maestoso Zenta VI 4 Place of birth Croatia, Add city
whereabouts Croatia, Tenja profile views 1979


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