499 Famosa VI (Famosa VI)

499 Famosa VI (Famosa VI)

horse, Lipizzaner, Leistungsstute, 2006


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Base data

name (DE) 499 Famosa VI sportname (DE) Famosa VI
UELN 705002062000499 National-ID SVN002062000499
gender Mare breed Lipizzaner
type horse born 04/27/2006
shoulder height 161 cm colour add
discipline Dressur, Fahren mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse, free time horse
riding club, association add Awards Leistungsstute
Father 231 Conversano X Clea (C. VI-4) Mother Famosa VI
father of mother Conversano Capriola XIV 001 Place of birth Slovenia, Add city
whereabouts Slovenia, Stari trg field test add
station test add profile views 1760
Her pedigree is here: www.lipizzan-register.com/ILRegister/IRReport?type=pegigree&dbAnimal=60766&locale=sl_SI&sessionID=1&userID=1391

Very frendly, good ridding mare, basic ridding, ready for the next level. It was also basic driven, use to every traffic. She had one foal in 2013.


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