Cardinale 22

Cardinale 22

horse, Holsteiner, Mare, 2010

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stallion C-Hardwell (Holsteiner, 2012, from Clinton I)


jumper Cezanna (Holsteiner, 2011, from Clinton I)


jumper Cezanne 30 (Holsteiner, 2000, from Calido I)

Cezanne 30

jumper Testarossa 6 (Holsteiner, 2003, from Concept)

Testarossa 6

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jumper Hengst von Hardrock Z / Clinton I (Holsteiner, 2021, from Hardrock Z)

Hengst von Hardrock Z / Clinton I

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Base data

name (International, DE) Cardinale 22 sportname (International, DE) Cardinale 22
breeding name (DE) Cardinale UELN 276421000118710
National-ID DE 421000118710 FEI-ID 104WC64
gender Mare breed Holsteiner
type horse born 05/30/2010
shoulder height add colour mold
discipline Springen mainly used for sportshorse
riding club, association Verband der Züchter des Holsteiner Pferdes e.V. Awards add
Father Clinton I Mother K-Jil
father of mother Corofino I Breeder Jürgen Böge
Place of birth Germany, 25767 Tensbüttel-Röst (Schleswig-Holstein) whereabouts Germany, 25767 Tensbüttel-Röst (Schleswig-Holstein)
field test add station test add
profile views 2678
With her first public presentation in the context of the elite auction, Cardinale wowed the selection panel with her wonderful basic gaits and her talent for jumping. A wonderful ride, leggy, ambitious, and stamped by her TB ancestors, she is a recommendation for eventing. Cardinale is a half sister to FEI top horse Cezanne (Kamal Bahamdan, Qatar). Her dam has produced another offspring with achievements to S level as well as an elite auction horse sold to the USA in 2012. The direct dam line has produced other successful sport horses; another representative is Callas, the top-selling lot of the 2013 Spring Auction.
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