Diamond Hit

Diamond Hit

horse, Oldenburger, Stallion (approved), 1997

rimondo Insights

Diamond Hit, an Oldenburg stallion with an impressive pedigree, has made a name for himself both in sport and breeding. Under the rider Emma Hindle, he showcased his class in demanding dressage competitions up to the S**** level and in the FEI Grand Prix de Dressage.

His exceptional breeding power is reflected in over 1300 offspring, including numerous licensed stallions like Don Diamond and Daily Deal, as well as premium stallions like Donn Johnson. Diamond Hit also sets standards in the mare line with state premium mares like Diamantica and Despina.

Particularly noteworthy are offspring with international titles such as Goerklintgaards Dublet, who impressed as a Vice World Champion and World Cup placer. Hawtins Delicato also achieved 3rd place at the World Championship.

Preferred pairings with dam sires like Rubinstein I and Lauries Crusador xx have proven particularly successful and contribute to the continuation of his breeding legacy.

Last updated: 25.02.2025, AI-generated text

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broodmare Loreana (Oldenburg, 1998, from Don Schufro)


dressage horse Swarovski (unknown,  )


horse Rudi Rakete (Oldenburg, 2008, from Riccione)

Rudi Rakete

stallion Sandro Hit (Oldenburg, 1993, from Sandro Song)

Sandro Hit

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broodmare Blue Hors Loxana (Oldenburg show jumper, 2002, from Diamond Hit)

Blue Hors Loxana

stallion Diamonit I (Oldenburg, 2003, from Diamond Hit)

Diamonit I

dressage horse Diamond's Diva 2 (Oldenburg, 2006, from Diamond Hit)

Diamond's Diva 2

dressage horse Diamond Boy 8 (Rhinelander, 2001, from Diamond Hit)

Diamond Boy 8

Show all 1300 children

Base data

name (International, DE) Diamond Hit sportname (International, DE) Diamond Hit
breeding name (DE) Diamond Hit UELN 276333330284497
National-ID DE 333330284497 FEI-ID GER22198
gender Stallion breed Oldenburg
type horse born 04/03/1997
shoulder height 169 cm colour dark brown
discipline Dressur mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse
riding club, association Verband der Züchter des Oldenburger Pferdes e.V. Awards gekört
Father Don Schufro Mother Loretta
father of mother Ramino Breeder Harder, Reinhold
Place of birth Germany, Bramsche whereabouts Germany, Erbach
profile views 63606

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