All Music

All Music

horse, Westphalian, Stallion (approved), 2012

rimondo Insights

All Music, an impressive Westphalian stallion born in 2012, has distinguished himself remarkably in both sport and breeding. Under the rider Jens Goldfuß, he achieved initial successes in show jumping competitions from classes A* to M, before celebrating his greatest achievements in class S* with Hendrik Zurich, boasting over 20 placings in his career.

His pedigree is marked by the renowned sire Arpeggio and the influential dam's sire Cornet Obolensky, highlighting his impressive breeding power. With over 150 offspring, All Music has already made a significant impact on breeding. Particularly noteworthy are the state premium mares Alona Bellamy and Alice B, who carry forward his exceptional genetic traits.

His progeny are distinguished by their notable successes in young horse sports. The mare Anicma qualified for the Bundeschampionat for 6-year-old show jumpers, while Amira B 3 shone as a finalist in the Bundeschampionat for 5-year-old show jumpers. All Music's offspring demonstrate remarkable aptitude in show jumping, making him a sought-after sire.

Last updated: 25.02.2025, AI-generated text

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Stallion owner of All Music

Nordrhein-Westfälisches Landgestüt Warendorf

So profitieren Sie, wenn Sie unsere Hengste in der Frischbesamung oder im Natursprung nutzen: Zahlen Sie einmalig das Deckgeld. Im Falle einer Nichtträchtigkeit bleibt es für Sie bei dem Deckgeld. Erst bei Trächtigkeit wird die Trächtigkeitsprämie erhoben. Diese variiert je nachdem welchen Hengst Sie nutzen.

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breeding tax from 320 €


broodmare Abby (Westphalian, 2011, from Arpeggio)


broodmare Apanatschi (Westphalian, 2009, from Arpeggio)


jumper All Inclusive NRW (Westphalian, 1999, from Arpeggio)

All Inclusive NRW

jumper Sieshof's Abraksas (Rhinelander, 2001, from Arpeggio)

Sieshof's Abraksas

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jumper Fleige's All Magic Moments (Westphalian, 2016, from All Music)

Fleige's All Magic Moments

jumper Amaretto S 10 (Westphalian, 2016, from All Music)

Amaretto S 10

broodmare All my Hope 4 (Westphalian, 2016, from All Music)

All my Hope 4

broodmare Anicma (Westphalian, 2016, from All Music)


Show all 151 children

Base data

name (International, DE) All Music sportname (International) All Music
sportname (DE) All Music 3 breeding name (DE) All Music
UELN 276441410544012 National-ID DE 441410544012
FEI-ID 106HD02 gender Stallion
breed Westphalian type horse
born 05/12/2012 shoulder height 173 cm
colour brown discipline Springen
mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse riding club, association Westfälisches Pferdestammbuch e.V.
Awards gekört Father Arpeggio
Mother Charlotte father of mother Cornet Obolensky
Breeder lutz ahlswede, Place of birth Germany, 48157 Münster
whereabouts Germany, Landgestüt Warendorf profile views 29924

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